Become an Official
The Bannockburn Dolphins rely on parent volunteers to help with refereeing swim meets. We would LOVE if you became a swim official! Train to become a Stroke and Turn Judge or Starter with the Montgomery County Swim League. The meets cannot run without these deck officials. Certifying as an official is a great way to support our young athletes and Dolphins swimming!
Click here for details about the clinics and to register:
-All clinics will be online. Registration links will be available in MAY 2023.
-Any official with '20' or earlier listed in a position needs to attend the appropriate clinic to recertify.
Stroke and Turn
Separate clinics are available for first time S&T officials and for recertifying S&T officials. Please attend the appropriate clinic. Expect the first time S&T clinic to run approximately 3 hours.
First Time (NEW) S&Ts:
- Sunday, June 5, 8:00AM
- Tuesday, June 7, 7:00PM
Recertifying S&T
- Tuesday, May 24, 7:00PM
- Sunday, June 5, 7:00PM
- Sunday, June 12, 8:00AM
"Last Chance" Clinic (for new and recertifying S&Ts)
- Tuesday, June 14, 7:00PM
- Wednesday, May 25, 7:00PM
- Tuesday, May 31, 7:00PM
- Monday, June 6, 7:00PM
- Thursday, May 26, 7:00PM
- Wednesday, June 8, 7:00PM
- Sunday, June 12, 7:00PM
Advanced Referee
This clinic is only for Referees that are currently certified in both Referee and S&T ('20' or later). Attendees will be recertified in the positions of Referee and S&T. The clinic will also provide Starter recertification for those Referees currently certified as Starters.
- Monday, May 23, 7:00PM
- Wednesday, June 1, 7:00PM
Any questions? Contact us:
Head Official:
Christopher Rogers [email protected]